On 7/15/20 6:36 PM, Kev M wrote:

> I still don't like slide 46: "...focused on needs of individual users" -
> Why can't it say only "you are using the volunteer supported version of
> LibreOffice" - or "you are using the volunteer supported version of
> LibreOffice, this version does for enterprise/professional support
> services please see [URL to Enterprise page]"

That has still to be discussed.

> Slides 49 & 50:
> I think the board will have to vote on this. Italo's perspective is the
> opposite of some of the other engaged users on this issue. Based on the
> slides, he sees Personal as implying no restrictions, while Community
> does. Others, see it from the perspective that Community implies no
> restrictions, while Personal does. Aside from doing a randomized market
> research survey of 1,000 respondents there will be no empirically
> researched right answer.

Actually, the name Personal has been suggested by a branding specialist,
based on a knowledge database of thousands of names (he is a friend and
a former colleague, so I paid him with rigatoni alla gricia and a good
bottle of red wine, but he is usually far more expensive).

> Slide 55:
> .business is and improvement to .biz (at least in North America), but
> why not Libreoffice.com for the commercial version, and Libreoffice.org
> for the Community, etc. version?

Because libreoffice.com is owned by TDF, and we cannot promote an
enterprise product on a TDF web property, as otherwise we would risk to
lose our charitable status. So, we need a compromise.

> 62: Strongly suggest not adding a Start Screen to LibreOffice online for
> UX reasons. There's no need to create a barrier to accessing documents
> online when none of the other providers have this layer.

The document just confirms that the start screen is missing, and does
not even hint to add one.

Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR
mobile/signal +39.348.5653829 - email it...@libreoffice.org
hangout/jabber italo.vign...@gmail.com - skype italovignoli
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