On 01/08/2011 10:40, Florian Effenberger wrote:

Jonathan Aquilina wrote on 2011-08-01 09:25:
hey florian im just curious how does one get to be a system admin? Is it
limited to those people in germany or can people such as myself based in
malta help out as a systems admin as well?

there is no defined process so far, and basically, of course, everyone is welcome from any country - the fact that it's just Germans is a pure coincidence.

However, at the moment, we have a group of 10 people, and I am a bit hesitant of adding more people to this core group. The core group has full root access to all our systems, and it should be kept rather small. This does not mean, of course, that we do not need help in maintaining individual services like website & co.


Me im not so much into web design and coding, me im more of a technical server side guy.

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