
Tom Davies wrote on 2011-07-30 15:23:

I think the SC just voted on the 600 euroes excess.  I think the full amount
might need another vote.  Coincidentally i think there is an Sc Meeting
tonight(?) so it could be done quite quickly there?  Perhaps vote on the full
amount first and if that gets defeated then vote on the excess?

so, I state the vote once again:

I'd like to ask the SC for a full funding of the occured 1,600 € from the TDF bank account, as I think it makes more sense to use TDF funds for a TDF related event.

In case the German association really wants to pay from the association's bank account, I would only pay the excess of 600 € from the TDF account, otherwise the full amount.


I think there also needs to be some thought about Base.  Should it be dropped
from LO since it's not getting any attention?  If TDF wants to keep Base is it
prepared to recruit an employee  as a dev or legal expert or team-leader (or a
bit of all those) to properly build a good team to deal with the vast amount of
complex issues that Base is suffering from?  I think the money is there and
should be used.  I think Some supporters such as RedHat, Cannonical and Google
might be willing to help but i think TDF needs to drive it.

Please post this as a new thread, as otherwise people will simply overlook it.


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
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