On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 18:44, Norbert Thiebaud <nthieb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Florian Effenberger
> <flo...@documentfoundation.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> FYI: We asked the Membership Committee to follow-up with some information on
>> membership status and elections soon, so stay tuned. :-)
> Practical question:
> Shouldn't the MC start collecting ssh public-key ?
> People having commit access to git or login to any infra box already
> have one available... but some member may not have one already on file
> and collecting them with some level of chain of trust may not be
> completely trivial, and more importantly, may induce some significant
> delay.
> I suppose the the election won't be conducted in-person, but
> presumably on-line... some level of temper-proof seems necessary, if
> for no other reason than to avoid FUD and smear campaign about the
> legitimacy of our process (there have been enough of that already in
> the blog of a notorious Big Blue employee)

Completely orthogonal to all the OOo and Apache stuff going on... the
ASF has an online voting tool that you guys may be interested in.
There is both a command line version (for ssh users), and a web-based
version (if you guys also have web-based authentication for your
Members). That tool may be useful for you guys. It provides for secure
and private/secret voting. Just select a few people to do the vote
counting, and away you go.

It is located in a private repository, but I see no reason that it
couldn't be public (simply a historic accident, I believe). If you're
interested, I can snap a copy of the command line stuff. For the
web-based version, please ask on infrastruct...@apache.org.


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