----- Original Message ----
> From: sophie <gautier.sop...@gmail.com>
> To: steering-discuss@documentfoundation.org
> Sent: Mon, 6 June, 2011 12:10:30
> Subject: Re: [steering-discuss] About elections
> Hi Volker, all,
> On 06/06/2011 13:02, Volker Merschmann  wrote:
> [...]
> > 
> > I'd like to add that not every contributor  wants to be a member of the
> > foundation. Especially those who are payed  for the work might not like
> > to have a too personal connection.
> > 
> > We can ask the membership committee if there is a reasonable number  of
> > applications left which can be finished in the next days.
> Yes  there is still several applications, either we have to statute on or 
> that 
>have  just arrived since last week. We did had difficulties to meet during 
>but we  have now a regular meeting on Monday, so that may help to speed the 
>process  too.
> > Else we should go ahead for the reasons given by Florian.
> The  time needed to put in place the process to organize the elections would 
> be  
>enough to have the members incorporated by the Committee, so no need to delay, 
>both could run side by side.
> Also this is often a reproach that the SC  members have not been elected, so 
>for me, the sooner the better to have a clear  and fair situation.
> Kind regards
> Sophie

Hi :)
Agreed.  But the founders have shown good strategic planning and good planning 
for the future as shown by the way things have played out in the last few 
weeks.  I think it would take time for newly elected people to have such 
commitment to the long-term vision.  

I have to point out that i am not a founder and not even a regular member.  
had disagreements and arguments with founders but  have always had good reason 
to respect even the ones i disagree with.
Regards from
Tom :)

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