André, Thanks for bringing it. +1 for the modifications
Olivier Em 09-03-2011 11:13, Andre Schnabel escreveu:
Hi, as we are currently preparing the legal documents for the Foundation in Germany, we found some minor inconsistencies in the bylaws. I'd like to ask the Steering Commitee, if we should do some modifications to our bylwas, so that the meaning is more clear. The issues we found are: 1st - definition of BoD deputies The bylaws only mention that "Each member of the BoD must appoint one deputy ..." There is no obligation, that a deputy needs to be a community member. There might be a risk, that BoD votes are influenced by non-TDF members. I think, we just implicitly meant that deputies should be TDF members, but did not exlicitly write this. 2nd - "Provisions Concerning Possible Conflicts of Interest" In this paragraph we list 3 rules to prevent possible conflicts. Each of the rule is written in a way that it would justify BoD's action if the rule is not followed. But the sentence "In the event of a contravention of the above three (3) rules, ..." seems to suggest that all three rules need to be contravened at the same time to trigger BoD's action. I'd guess, we meant that a contravention of any of the rules would call the BoD to action. 3rd - quorum for "Solemn Address" There is one sencence which suggests that Addresses *should* be signed by 30% of active members: "The Solemn Address should ... be undersigned by thirty per cent (30%) of the Community's active Members;..." But the second part of this sentence tells, that the MC "must formally validate that the thirty-per-cent (30%) quorum is fulfilled." So - the quorum seems to be mandatory but this is not written in the first sentence. All these issues would be quite easy to fix (imho). We just need to agree ;) (I can write the suggestions after some time of disussion and then call for a vote.) regards, André
-- Olivier Hallot Founder, Steering Commitee Member - The Document Foundation Voicing the enterprise Translation Leader for Brazilian Portuguese -- Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to List archive: *** All posts to this list are publicly archived for eternity ***