Hi, nope. It's windows only. It was developed by the creators of blood rain.

El mié, 4 dic 2024 a las 5:09, Ian McNamara via groups.io (<ianmcnamara92=
gmail....@groups.io>) escribió:

> Hi,
> Never actually heard of this one, is this an iOS and Androied title or is
> it available on all platforms?
> Best wishes.
> Ian McNamara
> Email: ianmcnamar...@gmail.com
> Mobile: 07500017008
> -----Original Message-----
> From: blind-gamers@groups.io <blind-gamers@groups.io> On Behalf Of Rachel
> Keyte via groups.io
> Sent: 03 December 2024 10:04
> To: blind-gamers@groups.io
> Subject: [blind-gamers] Ball Bouncer
> Hi all,, Was wondering if anyone on here plays Ball Bouncer and can answer
> a few questions. I only started playing it this morning so excuse my
> ignorance. I have read the manual.
> Anyway: 1. I have hit and dammaged about 33 objects and still haven't
> recieved any coins.
> Second question: I'm obviously at the default recovery rate for my
> character. When I am playing the normal mode, my char doesn't seem to be
> able to recover it all since I am always hitting the ball. How do I get a
> chance to recover it when I always have to keep the ball off the ground?
> I am so confused about these two things. I have received about 19 rewards
> and so many achievement points but when do they transfer to coins? Do I
> have to wait to recieve so many achievement points for whatever reason?
> Thanks all in advance,
> Rachel K

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