Thanks for that, so even if it hits the ground a few times?
I notice if I do that too many times to let myself recover of course it
penalizes me.
But I'll work on it and hopefully I can get some coins today.
Thanks John and Orielle too.
On 4/12/2024 12:38 am, John via wrote:
Points are converted to coins when the game ends. If you finish a
round, meaning the timer runs out, you will see your total points and
coins earned. You must have positive points to earn coins.
Hitting the ball with full energy will make it go a lot further than
when you're low. Try to keep the number of swings you make to a
minimum so you give your character time to recharge, and try to hit
the ball when you have as much energy as you can get. The upgrade for
blow force recovery is relatively cheap and is well worth getting
early. If you need to let the ball bounce a little to line up your
swing, then do it without hesitation.
On 12/3/2024 5:04, Rachel Keyte via wrote:
Hi all,, Was wondering if anyone on here plays Ball Bouncer and can
answer a few questions. I only started playing it this morning so
excuse my ignorance. I have read the manual.
Anyway: 1. I have hit and dammaged about 33 objects and still haven't
recieved any coins.
Second question: I'm obviously at the default recovery rate for my
character. When I am playing the normal mode, my char doesn't seem to
be able to recover it all since I am always hitting the ball. How do I
get a chance to recover it when I always have to keep the ball off the
I am so confused about these two things. I have received about 19
rewards and so many achievement points but when do they transfer to
coins? Do I have to wait to recieve so many achievement points for
whatever reason?
Thanks all in advance,
Rachel K
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