phasing out of bitcoinqt into spv wallets?

2014-04-07 12:34 GMT+01:00 Mike Hearn <>:
> At the start of February we had 10,000 bitcoin nodes. Now we have 8,500 and
> still falling:
> I know all the reasons why people might stop running a node (uses too much
> disk space, bandwidth, lost interest etc). But does anyone have any idea how
> we might get more insight into what's really going on? It'd be convenient if
> the subVer contained the operating system, as then we could tell if the
> bleed was mostly from desktops/laptops (Windows/Mac), which would be
> expected, or from virtual servers (Linux), which would be more concerning.
> When you set up a Tor node, you can add your email address to the config
> file and the Tor project sends you emails from time to time about things you
> should know about. If we did the same, we could have a little exit survey:
> if your node disappears for long enough, we could email the operator and ask
> why they stopped.
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