You can always use a secure multiparty computation algorithm to do it.
But those aren't the fastest algorithms in the world, and usually both
participants needs to be online at the same time. I guess most people would
prefer a two-step algorithm that can be performed asynchronously.
- Sent from my phone
Den 8 mar 2014 18:44 skrev "Adam Back" <>:
> Also the other limitation for ECDSA is that there is no known protocol to
> create a signture with a+b (where keys P=aG, Q=bG, R=P+Q=(a+b)G). without
> either a sending its private key to b or viceversa (or both to a third
> party).
> With Schnorr sigs you can do it, but the k^-1 term in ECDSA makes a
> (secure)
> direct multiparty signature quite difficult.
> ps probably only 1 party needs to hash their key
> P=aG
> H(P) ->
> <- Q=bG
> P ->
> Adam
> On Sat, Mar 08, 2014 at 12:37:30PM +0200, Joel Kaartinen wrote:
> > If both parties insist on seeing a hash of the other party's public key
> > before they'll show their own public key, they can be sure that the
> > public key is not chosen based on the public key they themselves
> > presented.
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