On 4 March 2014 14:07, Odinn Cyberguerrilla <odinn.cyberguerri...@riseup.net
> wrote:

> Nothing is safe.

This is true. To rephrase, imagine I gave you an ECC public key <ed_pub>,
you gave me back a public key <odinn_pub> of your own devising, then I paid
some money to the address resulting from add_pubkeys(<ed_pub>,<odinn_pub>)
[1]. Can anyone either:

a) Think of a way that Odinn could make an <odinn_pub> such that they could
spend the resulting money without having <ed_priv>.
b) Opine, somewhat knowledgeably, that this probably wouldn't be an easy
thing to do, and they wouldn't be alarmed to see people running software
that did this kind of thing.


Edmund Edgar
Founder, Social Minds Inc (KK)
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