On July 27, 2022 6:10:00 AM GMT+02:00, vjudeu via bitcoin-dev
<bitcoin-dev@lists.linuxfoundation.org> wrote:
>> So I'd suggest removing the fixed dust limit entirely and relying purely on
>> the mempool size limit to determine what is or is not dust.
>Just use those settings in your node:
>No changes in source code are needed, nodes can change their limits without
>asking anyone. And if some node is a miner, then it can be enforced. But if
>not, then still, free transactions are useful for communication (if more of
>them will be accepted, then we will switch to negative fee transactions with
>proper sighashes, then it will be very unlikely that miners will voluntarily
>add coins, so it will remain useful for communication).
It's pointless for individual nodes to make changes like this on their own.
Without like-minded peers this achieves nothing. What is relevant is network
wide defaults.
The only time those settings are useful is special situations like miners who
want to push txs to their own memlools. For the _vast_ majority of users
changing defaults achieves absolutely nothing.
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