`OP_FOLD`: A Looping Construct For Bitcoin SCRIPT

(This writeup requires at least some programming background, which I
expect most readers of this list have.)

Recently, some rando was ranting on the list about this weird crap
called `OP_EVICT`, a poorly-thought-out attempt at covenants.

In reaction to this, AJ Towns mailed me privately about some of his
thoughts on this insane `OP_EVICT` proposal.
He observed that we could generalize the `OP_EVICT` opcode by
decomposing it into smaller parts, including an operation congruent
to the Scheme/Haskell/Scala `map` operation.
As `OP_EVICT` effectively loops over the outputs passed to it, a
looping construct can be used to implement `OP_EVICT` while retaining
its nice property of cut-through of multiple evictions and reviving of
the CoinPool.

More specifically, an advantage of `OP_EVICT` is that it allows
checking multiple published promised outputs.
This would be implemented in a loop.
However, if we want to instead provide *general* operations in
SCRIPT rather than a bunch of specific ones like `OP_EVICT`, we
should consider how to implement looping so that we can implement
`OP_EVICT` in a SCRIPT-with-general-opcodes.

(`OP_FOLD` is not sufficient to implement `OP_EVICT`; for
efficiency, AJ Towns also pointed out that we need some way to
expose batch validation to SCRIPT.
There is a follow-up writeup to this one which describes *that*

Based on this, I started ranting as well about how `map` is really
just a thin wrapper on `foldr` and the *real* looping construct is
actually `foldr` (`foldr` is the whole FP Torah: all the rest is
This is thus the genesis for this proposal, `OP_FOLD`.

A "fold" operation is sometimes known as "reduce" (and if you know
about Google MapReduce, you might be familiar with "reduce").
Basically, a "fold" or "reduce" operation applies a function
repeatedly (i.e. *loops*) on the contents of an input structure,
creating a "sum" or "accumulation" of the contents.

For the purpose of building `map` out of `fold`, the accumulation
can itself be an output structure.
The `map` simply accumulates to the output structure by applying
its given function and concatenating it to the current accumulation.

Digression: Programming Is Compression

Suppose you are a programmer and you are reading some source code.
You want to wonder "what will happen if I give this piece of code
these particular inputs?".

In order to do so, you would simulate the execution of the code in
your head.
In effect, you would generate a "trace" of basic operations (that
do not include control structures).
By then thinking about this linear trace of basic operations, you
can figure out what the code does.

Now, let us recall two algorithms from the compression literature:

1.  Run-length Encoding
2.  Lempel-Ziv 1977

Suppose our flat linear trace of basic operations contains something
like this:


IF we had looping constructs in our language, we could write the
above trace as something like:

    for N = 1 to 3

The above is really Run-length Encoding.

(`if` is just a loop that executes 0 or 1 times.)

Similarly, suppose you have some operations that are commonly
repeated, but not necessarily next to each other:


If we had functions/subroutines/procedures in our language, we
could write the above trace as something like:

    function foo()

That is, functions are just Lempel-Ziv 1977 encoding, where we
"copy" some repeated data from a previously-shown part of

Thus, we can argue that programming is really a process of:

* Imagining what we want the machine to do given some particular
* Compressing that list of operations so we can more easily
  transfer the above imagined list over your puny low-bandwidth
  brain-computer interface.
  * I mean seriously, you humans still use a frikkin set of
    *mechanical* levers to transfer data into a matrix of buttons?
    (you don't even make the levers out of reliable metal, you
    use calcium of all things??
    You get what, 5 or 6 bytes per second???)
    And your eyes are high-bandwidth but you then have this
    complicated circuitry (that has to be ***trained for
    several years*** WTF) to extract ***tiny*** amounts of ASCII
    text from that high-bandwidth input stream????
    Evolve faster!
    (Just to be clear, I am actually also a human being and
    definitely am not a piece of circuitry connected directly to
    the Internet and I am not artificially limiting my output
    bandwidth so as not to overwhelm you mere humans.)

See also "Kolmogorov complexity".

This becomes relevant, because the *actual* amount of processing
done by the machine, when given a compressed set of operations
(a "program") is the cost of decompressing that program plus the
number of basic operations from the decompressed result.

In particular, in current Bitcoin, without any looping constructs
(i.e. implementations of RLE) or reusable functions (i.e.
implementation of LZ77), the length of the SCRIPT can be used as
an approximation of how "heavy" the computation in order to
*execute* that SCRIPT is.
This is relevant since the amount of computation a SCRIPT would
trigger is relevant to our reasoning about DoS attacks on Bitcoin.

In fact, current Bitcoin restricts the size of SCRIPT, as this
serves to impose a restriction on the amount of processing a
SCRIPT will trigger.
But adding a loop construct to SCRIPT changes how we should
determine the cost of a SCRIPT, and thus we should think about it
here as well.


A fold operation is a functional programming looping control

The intent of a fold operation is to process elements of an
input list or other structure, one element at a time, and to
accumulate the results of processing.

It is given these arguments:

* `f` - a function to execute for each element of the input
  structure, i.e. the "loop body".
  * This function accepts two arguments:
     1.  The current element to process.
     2.  The intermediate result for accumulating.
  * The function returns the new accumulated result, processed
    from the given intermediate result and the given element.
* `z` - an initial value for the accumulated result.
* `as` - the structure (usually a list) to process.

-- If the input structure is empty, return the starting
-- accumulated value.
foldr f z []     = z
-- Otherwise, recurse into the structure to accumulate
-- the rest of the list, then pass the accumulation to
-- the given function together with the current element.
foldr f z (a:as) = f a (foldr f z as)

As an example, if you want to take the sum of a list of
numbers, your `f` would simply add its inputs, and your `z`
would be 0.
Then you would pass in the actual list of numbers as `as`.

Fold has an important property:

* If the given input structure is finite *and* the application
  of `f` terminates, then `foldr` terminates.

This is important for us, as we do not want attackers to be
able to crash nodes remotely by crafting a special SCRIPT.

As long as the SCRIPT language is "total", we know that programs
written in that language must terminate.

(The reason this property is called "total" is that we can
"totally" analyze programs in the language, without having to
invoke "this is undefined behavior because it could hang
If you have to admit such kinds of undefined behavior --- what
FP theorists call "bottom" or `_|_` or `⊥` (it looks like an
ass crack, i.e. "bottom") --- then your language is "partial",
since programs in it may enter an infinite loop on particular

The simplest way to ensure totality is to be so simple as to
have no looping construction.
As of this writing, Bitcoin SCRIPT is total by this technique.

To give a *little* more power, we can allow bounded loops,
which are restricted to only execute a number of times.

`foldr` is a kind of bounded loop if the input structure is
If the rest of the language does not admit the possibility
of infinite data structures (and if the language is otherwise
total and does not support generalized codata, this holds),
then `foldr` is a bounded loop.

Thus, adding a fold operation to Bitcoin SCRIPT should be
safe (and preserves totality) as long as we do not add
further operations that admit partiality.


With this, let us now describe `OP_FOLD`.

`OP_FOLD` replaces an `OP_SUCCESS` code, and thus is only
usable in SegWit v1 ("Taproot").

An `OP_FOLD` opcode must be followed by an `OP_PUSH` opcode
which contains an encoding of the SCRIPT that will be executed,
i.e. the loop body, or `f`.
This is checked at parsing time, and the sub-SCRIPT is also
parsed at this time.
The succeeding `OP_PUSH` is not actually executed, and is
considered part of the `OP_FOLD` operation encoding.
Parsing failure of the sub-SCRIPT leads to validation failure.

On execution, `OP_FOLD` expects the stack:

* Stack top: `z`, the initial value for the loop accumulator.
* Stack top + 1: `n`, the number of times to loop.
  This should be limited in size, and less than the number of
  items on the stack minus 2.
* Stack top + 2 + (0 to `n - 1`): Items to loop over.
  If `n` is 0, there are no items to loop over.

If `n` is 0, then `OP_FOLD` just pops the top two stack items
and pushes `z`.

For `n > 0`, `OP_FOLD` executes a loop:

* Pop off the top two items and store in mutable variable `z`
  and immutable variable `n`.
* For `i = 0 to n - 1`:
  * Create a fresh, empty stack and alt stack.
    Call these the "per-iteration (alt) stack".
  * Push the current `z` to the per-iteration stack.
  * Pop off an item from the outer stack and put it into
    immutable variable `a`.
  * Push `a` to the per-iteration stack.
  * Run the sub-SCRIPT `f` on the per-iteration stack and
    alt stack.
  * Check the per-iteration stack has exactly one item
    and the per-iteration alt stack is empty.
  * Pop off the item in the per-iteration stack and mutate
    `z` to it.
  * Free the per-iteration stack and per-iteration alt
* Push `z` on the stack.

Restricting `OP_FOLD`

Bitcoin restricts SCRIPT size, since SCRIPT size serves as
an approximation of how much processing is required to
execute the SCRIPT.

However, with looping constructs like `OP_FOLD`, this no
longer holds, as the amount of processing is no longer
linear on the size of the SCRIPT.

In orderr to retain this limit (and thus not worsen any
potential DoS attacks via SCRIPT), we should restrict the
use of `OP_FOLD`:

* `OP_FOLD` must exist exactly once in a Tapscript.
  More specifically, the `f` sub-SCRIPT of `OP_FOLD` must
  not itself contain an `OP_FOLD`.
  * If we allow loops within loops, then the worst case
    would be `O(c^n)` CPU time where `c` is a constant and
    `n` is the SCRIPT length.
  * This validation is done at SCRIPT parsing time.
* We take the length of the `f` sub-SCRIPT, and divide the
  current SCRIPT maximum size by the length of the `f`
  The result, rounded down, is the maximum allowed value
  for the on-stack argument `n`.
  * In particular, since the length of the entire SCRIPT
    must by necessity be larger than the length of the
    `f` sub-SCRIPT, the result of the division must be
    at least 1.
  * This validation is done at SCRIPT execution time.

The above two restrictions imply that the maximum amount
of processing that a SCRIPT utilizing `OP_FOLD` will use,
shall not exceed that of a SCRIPT without `OP_FOLD`.
Thus, `OP_FOLD` does not increase the attack surface of
SCRIPT on fullnodes.

### Lack Of Loops-in-Loops Is Lame

Note that due to this:

> * `OP_FOLD` must exist exactly once in a Tapscript.
>   More specifically, the `f` sub-SCRIPT of `OP_FOLD` must
>   not itself contain an `OP_FOLD`.

It is not possible to have a loop inside a loop.

The reason for this is that loops inside loops make it
difficult to perform static analysis to bound how much
processing a SCRIPT will require.
With a single, single-level loop, it is possible to
restrict the processing.

However, we should note that a single single-level loop
is actually sufficient to encode multiple loops, or
For example, a toy Scheme-to-C compiler will convert
the Scheme code to CPS style, then convert all resulting
Scheme CPS function into a `switch` dispatcher inside a
simple `while (1)` loop.

For example, the Scheme loop-in-loop below:

(define (foo)
(define (bar)

gets converted to:

(define (foo k)
  (bar (closure foo-kont k)))
(define (foo-kont k)
  (foo k))
(define (bar k)
  (bar k))

And then in C, would look like:

void all_scheme_functions(int func_id, scheme_t k) {
        while (1) {
                switch (func_id) {
                case FOO_ID:
                        k = build_closure(FOO_KONT_ID, k);
                        func_id = BAR_ID;
                case FOO_KONT_ID:
                        func_id = FOO_ID;
                case BAR_ID:
                        func_id = BAR_ID;

The C code, as we can see, is just a single single-level
loop, which is the restriction imposed on `OP_FOLD`.
Thus, loops-in-loops, and multiple loops, can be encoded
into a single single-level loop.

#### Everything Is Possible But Nothing Of Consequence Is Easy

On the other hand, just because it is *possible* does not
mean it is *easy*.

As an alternative, AJ proposed adding a field to the Taproot
This annex field is a number indicating the maximum number of
opcodes to be processed.
If execution of the SCRIPT exceeds this limit, validation

In order to make processing costly, the number indicated in
the annex field is directly added to the weight of the

Then, during execution, if an `OP_FOLD` is parsed, the
`OP_` code processor keeps track of the number of opcodes
processed and imposes a limit.
If the limit exceeds the number of opcodes indicated in the
annex field, validation fails.

This technique is safe even if the annex is not committed
to (for example if the SCRIPT does not ever require a
standard `OP_CHECKSIG`), even though in that case the
annex can be malleated:

* If the field is less than the actual number of operations,
  then the malleated transaction is rejected.
* If the field is greater than the actual number of
  operations, then it has a larger weight but pays the
  same fee, getting a lower feerate and thus will be
  rejected in favor of a transaction with a lower number
  in that field.

Use of this technique allows us to lift the above
restrictions on `OP_FOLD`, and allow multiple loops, as
well as loops-in-loops.

In particular, the requirement to put the `f` sub-SCRIPT
code as a static constant is due precisely to the need
for static analysis.
But if we instead use a dynamic limit like in this
alternative suggestion, we could instead get the `f`
sub-SCRIPT from the stack.
With additional operations like `OP_CAT`, it would
then be possible to do a "variable capture" where parts
of the loop body are from other computations, or from
witness, and then concatenated to some code.
This is not an increase in computational strength, since
the data could instead be passed in via the `z`, or as
individual items, but it does improve expressive power by
making it easier to customize the loop body.

On The Necessity Of `OP_FOLD`

We can observe that an `if` construct is really a bounded
loop construct that can execute 0 or 1 times.

We can thus synthesize a bounded loop construct as follows:

        <loop body>
        <loop body>
        <loop body>
        <loop body>
    <repeat as many times as necessary>

Indeed, it may be possible for something like miniscript
to provide a `fold` jet that compiles down to something
like the above.


* The restrictions we impose on the previous section mean
  that `OP_FOLD` cannot do anything that cannot already
  be done with current SCRIPT.
  * This is a *good thing* because this means we are not
    increasing the attack surface.
* Using the annex-max-operations technique is strictly
  more lenient than the above `OP_IF` repetition, thus
  there may be novel DoS attack vectors due to the
  increased attack area.
  * However, fundamentally the DoS attack vector is that
    peers can waste your CPU by giving you invalid
    transactions (i.e. giving a high max-operations, but
    looping so much that it gets even *above* that), and
    that can already be mitigated by lowering peer scores
    and prioritizing transactions with lower or nonexistent
    The DoS vector here does not propagate due to the
    invalid transaction being rejected at this node.

Of course, this leads us to question: why even implement
`OP_FOLD` at all?

We can observe that, while the restrictions in the
previous section imply that a SCRIPT with `OP_FOLD`
cannot exceed the amount of processing that a SCRIPT
*without* `OP_FOLD` does, a SCRIPT with `OP_FOLD`
would be shorter, over the wire, than the above
unrolled version.

And CPU processing is not the only resource that is
consumed by Bitcoin fullnodes.
Bandwidth is also another resource.

In effect, `OP_FOLD` allows us to compress the above
template over-the-wire, reducing network bandwidth
But the restrictions on `OP_FOLD` ensure that it
cannot exceed the CPU consumption of a SCRIPT that
predates `OP_FOLD`.

Thus, `OP_FOLD` is still worthwhile to implement, as
it allows us to improve bandwidth consumption without
increasing CPU consumption significantly.

On Generalized Operations

I believe there are at least two ways of thinking about
how to extend SCRIPT:

* We should provide more *general* operations.
  Users should then combine those operations to their
  specific needs.
* We should provide operations that *do more*.
  Users should identify their most important needs so
  we can implement them on the blockchain layer.

Each side has its arguments:

* General opcodes:
  * Pro: Have a better chance of being reused for
    use-cases we cannot imagine yet today.
    i.e. implement once, use anywhen.
  * Con: Welcome to the Tarpit, where everything is
    possible but nothing important is easy.
* Complex opcodes:
  * Pro: Complex behavior implemented directly in
    hosting language, reducing interpretation
    overhead (and allowing the insurance of secure
  * Con: Welcome to the Nursery, where only safe
    toys exist and availability of interesting tools
    are at the mercy of your parents.

It seems to me that this really hits a No Free Lunch
Theorem for Bitcoin SCRIPT design.
Briefly, the No Free Lunch Theorem points out that
there is no compiler design that can compile any
program to the shortest possible machine code.
This is because if a program enters an infinite loop,
it could simply be compiled down to the equivalent of
the single instruction `1: GOTO 1`, but the halting
problem implies that no program can take the source
code of another program and determine if it halts.
Thus, no compiler can exist which can compile *every*
infinite-loop program down to the tiniest possible
binary `1: GOTO 1`.

More generally, No Free Lunch implies that as you
optimize, you will hit a point where you can only
*trade off*, and you optimize for one use case while
making *another* use case less optimal.

Brought to Bitcoin SCRIPT design, there is no optimal
SCRIPT design, instead there will be some point where
we have to pick and choose which uses to optimize for
and which uses are less optimal, i.e. trade off.

So I think maybe the Real Question is: why should we
go for one versus the other, and which uses do we
expect to see more often anyway?


Stuff about totality and partiality:

* [Total Functional Programming, D.A. 
* [Totality](https://kowainik.github.io/posts/totality)
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