yes, that's correct, we'll fix this in a different way, please stand by.
Thank you for your understanding.

On 8 January 2025 15:56:00 CET, Jelle Luteijn via Bird-users 
<bird-users@network.cz> wrote:
>I just checked and I don't see the updated packages, is that correct?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bird-users <bird-users-boun...@network.cz> On Behalf Of Jakub Ružicka 
>via Bird-users
>Sent: Tuesday, 7 January 2025 13:19
>To: bird-users@network.cz
>Subject: Re: Bird 2.16 ASPA issue
>On 1/6/25 10:51, Job Snijders wrote:
>> On Mon, Jan 06, 2025 at 10:50:15AM +0100, Maria Matejka wrote:
>>> The right one is "providers", yet there is probably some package out 
>>> with "provider", so i'm expecting to allow both in the end because we 
>>> botched it in such a stupid way.
>> I'd recommend to rebuild the Debian packages, bump the sub version, 
>> and call it a day. This is a simple bug, 'provider' never was 
>> documented as being correct, afaik.
>I was asked to prepare Debian packages before official release of
>so I've used v2.16 git tag at
>4fb8fe6 NEWS and version update
>however it turns out the official tarball doesn't correspond to the tag
>- it contains extra patches including
>This discrepancy between the tarball and git is the cause for all this 
>confusion as well as the need to rebuild packages.
>Please make sure the official tarball matches corresponding git tag on future 
>I also suggest re-creating v2.16 tag upstream on top of the commit that was 
>actually used to create bird-2.16.tar.gz archive.
>I'm starting bird2_2.16-cznic.2 packages build from official bird-2.16.tar.gz 
>archive - they should hit the repos later today.

Maria Matejka (she/her) | BIRD Team Leader | CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.

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