
* You dropped the rtbh_pipe import filter in protocol kernel rtbh.
* You have a different description for the bgp protocol (and name also).
* You added import all to the bgp protocol. (Which is probably OK.)

The rest is equivalent.


On 1/13/20 8:18 PM, Mario Rossi wrote:
> Hi Maria,
> After trial and error, I managed to get rid of the bird startup errors. At 
> this point I am looking for validation of the configs ( are the below 1.6 and 
> 2.0 equivalent ? )
> Thank you!
> .1.6 config
> [...]
> router id 206.x.y.z;
> table as65533;
> table blackholes;
> [...]
> # Scans and learns of blackhole routes from table 10, every 10 seconds
> protocol kernel rtbh {
>         table blackholes;
>         kernel table 10;
>         scan time 20;
>         learn;
>         import filter rtbh_pipe;
>         export all;
> }
> # Merges kernel route table 10 into the virtual as65533 routing table
> protocol pipe {
>         table as65533;
>         peer table blackholes;
>         mode transparent;
> }
> protocol bgp ege1a_50_4 {
>         table as65533;
>         description "ege1a_50_4";
>         local as 65533;
>         neighbor as 12345;
>         multihop;
>         source address 206.x.y.z;   # What local address we use for the TCP 
> connection
>         export where source=RTS_STATIC;
> }
> 2.0 config:
> # Override router ID
> router id 206.x.y.z;
> # Define another routing table
> ipv4 table as65533;
> ipv4 table blackholes;
> protocol kernel rtbh {
>     kernel table 10;
>     scan time 10;
>     learn;
>     ipv4 {
>         table blackholes;
>         export all;
>     };
> }
> # Merges kernel route table 10 into the virtual as65533 routing table
> protocol pipe {
>         table as65533;
>         peer table blackholes;
>         #mode transparent;
> }
> protocol bgp ege2a_50_4 {
>         local as 65533;
>         neighbor as 12345;
>         source address 206.x.y.z;
>         description "EDGE2a.50.MIA";
>         multihop;
>         ipv4 {
>            table as65533;
>            import all;
>            export where source=RTS_STATIC;
>         };
> }
> On 1/10/20 4:53 AM, Maria Matějka wrote:
>> Aargh, I messed up the reply.
>> Please send the 1.6 config and 2.0 config and what is wrong. We can't figure 
>> out the cause from this.
>> Maria
>> On January 10, 2020 8:58:11 AM GMT+01:00, "Maria Matějka" 
>> <maria.mate...@nic.cz> wrote:
>>     Hello! 
>> -- 
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity. 

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