
Looks like you have missed the channels part. It is one of the major
changes from 1.6 to 2.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 1:56 AM Mario Rossi <mro...@hostopia.com> wrote:
> Hi Bird users,
> I am trying to migrate the config from 1.6 to 2.0 on CentOS 8. I tried to 
> follow https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/labs/bird/wikis/transition-notes-to-bird-2 
> but my test config didn't work. Is there another guide or wiki I can follow 
> to be able to migrate to version 2 ?
> Thank you !
> [...]
> router id 206.x.y.z;
> table as65533;
> table blackholes;
> [...]
> # Scans and learns of blackhole routes from table 10, every 10 seconds
> protocol kernel rtbh {
>         table blackholes;
>         kernel table 10;
>         scan time 20;
>         learn;
>         import filter rtbh_pipe;
>         export all;
> }
> # Merges kernel route table 10 into the virtual as65533 routing table
> protocol pipe {
>         table as65533;
>         peer table blackholes;
>         mode transparent;
>         import filter rtbh_pipe;
> }
> protocol bgp ege1a_50_4 {
>         table as65533;
>         description "ege1a_50_4";
>         local as 65533;
>         neighbor as 12345;
>         multihop;
>         source address 206.x.y.z;   # What local address we use for the TCP 
> connection
>         export where source=RTS_STATIC;
>         export filter bgp_out_upstream;
> }

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