
thank you for your support!
I tried "accept" and the other possibility's, with and without the ";"
behind the "}" but I get every-time the same error.

DRUART Xavier <xavier.dru...@nexeya.com> schrieb am Do., 9. März 2017 um
09:14 Uhr:

Or may be no need the « ; » behind the »} »

*Xavier Druart*


*Centrale Parc – Bâtiment 2*

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*De :* Bird-users [mailto:bird-users-boun...@network.cz] *De la part de*
Alexander Festl
*Envoyé :* jeudi 9 mars 2017 08:48
*À :* bird-users@network.cz
*Objet :* RIP with passive option

Hi, this is my first post in a mailing list. I hope I do it fine.

My server should receive routes via RIP.
I have tried it on Ubuntu 10.04 with bird from *ppa:cz.nic-labs/bird* .
The server should work with the interface option passive.
(Receive routes and do not send)

My config file looks like:

protocol kernel {


    scan time 20;

    export all;


protocol device {

    scan time 10;


protocol rip {

    export none;

    import all;

    interface "eth0" {

            passive yes;


    debug all;


If I start bird, I get

bird: /etc/bird.conf, line 15: syntax error

I tried "yes", "true" and "" as switch for the passive option.

I posted the question at stackexchange too. (

Thank you in advance.

Alexander Festl

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