Hi, this is my first post in a mailing list. I hope I do it fine. My server should receive routes via RIP. I have tried it on Ubuntu 10.04 with bird from *ppa:cz.nic-labs/bird* . The server should work with the interface option passive. (Receive routes and do not send)
My config file looks like: protocol kernel { persist; scan time 20; export all; } protocol device { scan time 10; } protocol rip { export none; import all; interface "eth0" { passive yes; }; debug all; } If I start bird, I get bird: /etc/bird.conf, line 15: syntax error I tried "yes", "true" and "" as switch for the passive option. I posted the question at stackexchange too. ( http://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/39548/bird-rip-routes-should-only-be-received ) Thank you in advance. Alexander Festl