On Wed, Nov 05, 2014 at 12:18:15PM +0100, Ondrej Filip wrote:
> Hi guys!
> A new version of BIRD is close to be released. However there were a
> lot of changes mainly in OSPF code. Therefore we would like to ask
> you for some testing before the final version. So if you want to
> help us, please download here:
> ftp://bird.network.cz/pub/bird/testing/bird-1.5.0pre.tar.gz

I would note that the OSPF code in the pre-release fixes several
long-standing bugs in OSPF flooding and exchange procedure, LSA flushing
and premature aging. So i would suggest to try it especially
if you meet such bugs in the current BIRD versions.

Also note that there are significant changes to format of most OSPF log
messages. If there are any related opinions or suggestions, this is the
best time for them (as i don't want to change these during minor releases).

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Ondrej 'Santiago' Zajicek (email: santi...@crfreenet.org)
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