Dear all,

I've been using SIG(0) successfully for some years to deal with Lets Encrypt 
dns-01 challenge/response.  Clients use dnssec-keygen to make themselves a 
RSASHA512 key pair; I manually add that once during setup as a KEY record to 
the zone using local nsupdate on the primary NS; then clients can add/remove 
TXT records (etc.) as needed for certificate issuance/renewal using nsupdate 
authenticated with that key, care of a "grant * selfsub * ..." update-policy.

This was working well until I upgraded to BIND 9.20.  Now my clients sometimes 
get SERVFAIL responses when they try to add or remove TXT records.  When that 
happens, BIND logs:

client @0x766a56300800 [elided]#52749: request has invalid signature: not 
verified yet (NOERROR)

Generally it seems that a particular key either consistently works or 
consistently doesn't work (_sometimes_ I can work around this by clearing out 
the KEY records and provisioning new keys, though quite often the replacement 
key also fails), though at least once I have seen a client manage to add a TXT 
record and then fail to delete it again a moment later, despite being 
authenticated using the same key both times.  This feels a bit like it could be 
a race condition, and a regression as everything was reliable prior to 9.20.

This seems to (mainly?) affect names which have more than one KEY record 
(useful because these FQDNs correspond to services hosted on multiple machines, 
each of which needs to go through Lets Encrypt validation in order to get its 
own certificate for the shared FQDN).

My BIND is 9.20.3 from the package (specifically, package versions and -- I see this on two independent name 
servers, one Ubuntu 22.04 and one Ubuntu 24.04).

Any pointers or suggestions welcome; thanks.

Configuration snippet below.  You can see some of the failing KEYs for real in 
e.g. 'dig key'; the one 
starting "AwEAAdC/34L2C" is consistently failing right now, whereas others 
there are working.


dnssec-policy "simple" {
        keys {
                csk key-directory lifetime unlimited algorithm ed25519;
zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/var/lib/bind/";
        allow-transfer { ... };
        dnssec-policy "simple";
        update-policy {
                grant local-ddns zonesub ANY;
                grant * selfsub * TXT PTR A AAAA MX CNAME SSHFP;

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