> On 29 Jun 2023, at 15.59, Ubence Quevedo <that...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Here's the most recent config that I tried that seemed to work, but 
> ultimately broke resolution for the main zone domain.com 
> <http://domain.com/>, even though I set it to match-clients { any; }.

Please remember that ONLY ONE view is matched. Your main view is only used if 
none of the other views match.

> What I didn't mention in my original post was that I have other subnets 
> configured for this remote host through vlans with different IP addresses.  
> That's why there are so many other views.  I was hoping the match-clients per 
> each view would return the appropriate IP address per subnet making the 
> request.
> include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";
> include "/etc/bind/ddns-key.key";
> view "192.168.10-net" {
>   match-clients { <>; };
>   zone "system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/>" {
>     type master;
>     file "/var/lib/bind/db.system.lab.domain.com.192.168.10";
>     };
> };
> view "10.32.1-net" {
>   match-clients { <>; };
>   zone "system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/>" {
>     type master;
>     file "/var/lib/bind/db.system.lab.domain.com.10.32.1";
>     };
> };
> view "10.32.10-net" {
>   match-clients { <>; };
>   zone "system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/>" {
>     type master;
>    file "/var/lib/bind/db.system.lab.domain.com.10.32.10";
>     };
> };
> view "10.32.20-net" {
>   match-clients { <>; };
>   zone "system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/>" {
>     type master;
>     file "/var/lib/bind/db.system.lab.domain.com.10.32.20";
>     };
> };
> view "10.32.30-net" {
> match-clients { <>; };
>   zone "system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/>" {
>     type master;
>     file "/var/lib/bind/db.system.lab.domain.com.10.32.30";
>     };
> };
> view "main" {
>   match-clients { any; };
>   zone "domain.com <http://domain.com/>" {
>     type master;
>     forwarders {};
>     file "/var/lib/bind/db.domain.com <http://db.domain.com/>";
>     update-policy {
>       grant ddns-key wildcard *.domain.com <http://domain.com/> A DHCID;
>     };
>     notify yes;
>     allow-transfer {; };
>     };
>   zone "lab.domain.com <http://lab.domain.com/>" {
>     type secondary;
>     masterfile-format text;
>     file "/var/lib/bind/db.lab.domain.com <http://db.lab.domain.com/>";
>     primaries {; };
>   };
>   zone "10.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
>     type master;
>     forwarders {};
>     file "/var/lib/bind/db.10.168.192.in-addr.arpa";
>     update-policy {
>       grant ddns-key wildcard *.10.168.192.in-addr.arpa PTR;
>     };
>   };
> };
> The contents of /var/lib/bind/db.system.lab.domain.com.192.168.10:
> $TTL 604800     ; 1 week
> system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/>     IN SOA     
> ns1.domain.com <http://ns1.domain.com/>. thatrat.gmail.com 
> <http://thatrat.gmail.com/>. (
>                 2023062800 ; serial
>                 604800     ; refresh (1 week)
>                 86400      ; retry (1 day)
>                 2419200    ; expire (4 weeks)
>                 604800     ; minimum (1 week)
>                 )
>             NS  ns1.domain.com <http://ns1.domain.com/>.
> $ORIGIN system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/>.
>         A
> The other /var/lib/bind/db.system.lab.domain.com.10.32.X.X follow a similar 
> format with the domain name pointing to a different IP address for each 
> "version" of the domain matching a view for a different entry subnet.
> Again, the domain.com <http://domain.com/> zone currently has an entry for 
> system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/> for and 
> the secondary lab.domain.com <http://lab.domain.com/> has an entry for 
> system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/> with
> This was all working perfectly until I added the secondary domain to my 
> config [essentially just the contents of the main view above] which it 
> started only returning for the system.lab.domain.com 
> <http://system.lab.domain.com/> which again I think had some type of 
> precedence on the "fuller" FQDN being served, and the system.lab from the 
> domain.com <http://domain.com/> zone taking lesser precedence.
> It also seems that the bind configuration file is read from top down in 
> processing order?  I had the main view on top first, but then moved it below 
> the other views, and then the 192.168.10-net view worked...but the main view 
> did not work.
> I know this is an overly complicated setup and probably the simplest answer 
> is just to remove the secondary zone from config so that there is only the 
> one entry that resolves for the system.lab.domain.com 
> <http://system.lab.domain.com/>, I just thought that there might be a away to 
> have the hostname resolve differently based on what the requesting IP address 
> was.
> I also have Dynamic DNS setup so that the ISC DHCP server will update 
> domain.com <http://domain.com/> with system hostname info which *might* 
> complicate things.
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 9:33 PM Greg Choules 
> <gregchoules+bindus...@googlemail.com 
> <mailto:gregchoules%2bbindus...@googlemail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Ubence.
>> Firstly, may we see your configs please. It's impossible to say exactly 
>> what's going on from a human description.
>> Secondly, views and different answers. Yes it *is* entirely possible to use 
>> views to provide answers based on client IP - `match-clients. I would start 
>> with the most specific view first with a `match-clients` clause, then a 
>> general view without one. If you only have two choices.
>> Thirdly, naming of multi-homed systems. A long time ago, in a previous job, 
>> I tried to work out how to make (say) "system.lab.domain.com 
>> <http://system.lab.domain.com/>" resolve to different addresses, depending 
>> on who was asking the question, or from which direction they were asking it 
>> and it nearly drove me mad. I concluded that "sytem" should not be regarded 
>> as one domain, but one domain *per interface*.
>> So let's say that the box called "system" has two interfaces with addresses 
>> for its lab side and for its production side. I 
>> would do this and not bother with views:
>> zone "domain.com <http://domain.com/>" {
>>    type primary;
>>    file "db.domain.com <http://db.domain.com/>";
>> };
>> Contents at least:
>> @ SOA etc...
>> @   IN   NS   <fqdn_of_production_ns.>
>> lab   IN   NS   <fqdn_of_lab_ns.>   ;don't forget the delegation
>> system   IN   A
>> zone "lab.domain.com <http://lab.domain.com/>" {
>>    type primary;
>>    file "db.lab.domain.com <http://db.lab.domain.com/>";
>> };
>> Contents at least:
>> @ SOA etc...
>> @ <>   IN   NS   <fqdn_of_lab_ns.>
>> system   IN   A
>> Now to reach "system", depending on who you are, which direction you are 
>> approaching it from and what network routeing and firewalls will allow you 
>> either connect to "system.domain.com <http://system.domain.com/>" for its 
>> production side or system.lab.domain.com <http://system.lab.domain.com/>" 
>> for its lab side. There is no ambiguity about what address "system" has 
>> because each one now has a unique name.
>> Note that this requires clients to use FQDNs, which IMHO is a good thing. I 
>> always try to avoid "search...." in resolv.conf because it leaves the OS 
>> stub resolver guessing what the user actually wants.
>> Hope that helps. But as i said, configs please and then *we* don't have to 
>> guess :)
>> Cheers, Greg
>> On Wed, 28 Jun 2023 at 23:45, Ubence Quevedo <that...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:that...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have two domains configured, a production and lab/testing domain [let's 
>>> say domain.com <http://domain.com/> and lab.domain.com 
>>> <http://lab.domain.com/>].
>>> I have a few different networks configured [ 
>>> <> and <>].
>>> I have a system that has two network cards on both the 192.168.10.X network 
>>> and 10.32.10.X network.
>>> I have a remote system that is also configured to on both networks, with 
>>> hostnames on both domains/networks.
>>> I have a hostname entry in my primary master for the domain.com 
>>> <http://domain.com/> [system.lab.domain.com/ 
>>> <http://system.lab.domain.com/>], but there are other systems 
>>> configured via the bind 9 system that serves out lab.domain.com 
>>> <http://lab.domain.com/> with an entry for this system 
>>> [system.lab.domain.com/ 
>>> <http://system.lab.domain.com/>].
>>> On the primary DNS server, the system.lab.domain.com 
>>> <http://system.lab.domain.com/> worked great and pointed to, 
>>> however I made the lab server a secondary on the primary and vice-a-versa 
>>> so that the lab.domain.com <http://lab.domain.com/> entries would resolve 
>>> for systems on the 192.168.10.X network so that the dual network capable 
>>> system would be able to resolve lab hostnames from my primary DNS server.  
>>> This is a Mac and the primary interface wins for name resolution as far as 
>>> I can tell even though the other network interface is configured to point 
>>> to the lab DNS server.
>>> This makes things work great to be able to resolve lab network host names, 
>>> but the 10.32.10.X network isn't directly accessible to the 192.168.10.X 
>>> network.
>>> What's happening is the that hostname I have configured on the primary name 
>>> server [system.lab.domain.com/ 
>>> <http://system.lab.domain.com/>] is not taking precedence 
>>> over the secondary domain that is configured 
>>> [system.lab.domain.com/ 
>>> <http://system.lab.domain.com/>].
>>> Any resolution now for the system.lab.totusmel.coml hostname now brings 
>>> back instead of the
>>> I think it's because the lab domain takes precedence because the domain 
>>> name lab.domain.com <http://lab.domain.com/> is a higher priority than 
>>> domain.com <http://domain.com/> even with the system.lab tacked onto the 
>>> primary domain.
>>> I started dabbling with views and tried to set up specific views that would 
>>> return a fully qualified hostname as a domain based on what network the 
>>> request came from.  If the request came from the 10.32.10.X network, return 
>>> the system.lab.domain.com/ 
>>> <http://system.lab.domain.com/> entry and if it came from the 
>>> 192.168.10.X network, return the system.lab.domain.com/ 
>>> <http://system.lab.domain.com/> entry.
>>> This seemed to work after re-arranging the order of the main configuration 
>>> file, and I could resolve the system.lab.domain.com 
>>> <http://system.lab.domain.com/> as as I intended but this 
>>> then broke all of the host entries I had configured for domain.com 
>>> <http://domain.com/> as none were resolvable.
>>> My question is, is there any way to "properly" return a hostname/IP based 
>>> on what network the request is coming from?
>>> This seemed like it would work, and it kind of did, but even with a 
>>> separate view of "any" for the hostnames of the production domain, this 
>>> didn't quite work.
>>> I know this is a somewhat confusing set up, but I thought it might be 
>>> possible to resolve a hostname difference with views based on the 
>>> requesting network.
>>> Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!
>>> -- 
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