
I have two domains configured, a production and lab/testing domain [let's
say domain.com and lab.domain.com].

I have a few different networks configured [ and].

I have a system that has two network cards on both the 192.168.10.X network
and 10.32.10.X network.

I have a remote system that is also configured to on both networks, with
hostnames on both domains/networks.

I have a hostname entry in my primary master for the domain.com [
system.lab.domain.com/], but there are other systems
configured via the bind 9 system that serves out lab.domain.com with an
entry for this system [system.lab.domain.com/].

On the primary DNS server, the system.lab.domain.com worked great and
pointed to, however I made the lab server a secondary on the
primary and vice-a-versa so that the lab.domain.com entries would resolve
for systems on the 192.168.10.X network so that the dual network capable
system would be able to resolve lab hostnames from my primary DNS server.
This is a Mac and the primary interface wins for name resolution as far as
I can tell even though the other network interface is configured to point
to the lab DNS server.

This makes things work great to be able to resolve lab network host names,
but the 10.32.10.X network isn't directly accessible to the 192.168.10.X

What's happening is the that hostname I have configured on the primary name
server [system.lab.domain.com/] is not taking precedence over
the secondary domain that is configured [system.lab.domain.com/].

Any resolution now for the system.lab.totusmel.coml hostname now brings
back instead of the

I think it's because the lab domain takes precedence because the domain
name lab.domain.com is a higher priority than domain.com even with the
system.lab tacked onto the primary domain.

I started dabbling with views and tried to set up specific views that would
return a fully qualified hostname as a domain based on what network the
request came from.  If the request came from the 10.32.10.X network, return
the system.lab.domain.com/ entry and if it came from the
192.168.10.X network, return the system.lab.domain.com/ entry.

This seemed to work after re-arranging the order of the main configuration
file, and I could resolve the system.lab.domain.com as as I
intended but this then broke all of the host entries I had configured for
domain.com as none were resolvable.

My question is, is there any way to "properly" return a hostname/IP based
on what network the request is coming from?

This seemed like it would work, and it kind of did, but even with a
separate view of "any" for the hostnames of the production domain, this
didn't quite work.

I know this is a somewhat confusing set up, but I thought it might be
possible to resolve a hostname difference with views based on the
requesting network.

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated!
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