Some servers already do


Ben Lavender

On Mon, 15 Jun 2020, 19:02 DeCaro, James John (Jim) CIV DISA FE (USA) via
bind-users, <> wrote:

> Or you can call the slave servers 'secondary' servers.
> V/R
> Jim DeCaro
> Systems Administrator
> Windows and Unix Server Operations
> FE222/DoDNet Service Section
> Defense Enclave Services Directorate
> ☎ 301-225-8180
> ☎ 301-375-8180
> "If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always
> got."
> -----Original Message-----
> From: bind-users <> On Behalf Of Michael
> De Roover
> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 1:32 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: BIND Masters and slaves
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> ________________________________
> I concur with this. I'm still fairly new to BIND and DNS myself. I
> maintain 7 name servers (3 internal, 4 external) and master does signify to
> me that this is the server in control of the zone files for the other ones
> in that pool. The slaves are pretty much that to me, they take the zone
> files and apply them while not having any further control over the zone
> files themselves. In my external name servers it also goes paired with
> authority - slave authorities that are authoritative to the internet but
> slaves in that they replicate from an internal master. This is not
> something you'd see in real slavery, signifying that this is mere technical
> jargon. Is it a heavy term? Yes. Should we support "black lives matter" and
> condemn the completely egregious actions committed by the police officers
> towards George Floyd? Absolutely, and I hope that the former officers get
> convicted for not just manslaughter but murder, and that more protests will
> emerge (minus the plundering which was the case here in Brussels).
> However, changing a name and going for censorship of technical jargon
> which will only confuse newcomers who will now face duplicate nomenclature
> changes NOTHING. George Floyd wouldn't have been able to survive just
> because we give things a different name. Instead we'd border closer to
> censorship which we had during the wars, and still do in heavily oppressed
> countries like North Korea, China etc. It's ironic that what these people
> are pushing for in practice is exactly the thing they seemingly seek to
> eradicate.
> There is another relevant case where GitHub will apparently replace master
> branches in all their repositories. I'm really glad to be unaffected with
> my Gitea server. I may have to adjust my repository mirrors from GitHub
> however. For GitHub users, that change will likely break every one of their
> repositories that defaults to master and require adjustments from GitHub
> users of which many might not even know what branches are. That's the real
> impact of that and I find it deeply worrying.
> I do not want such a thing to happen to BIND just to please some people
> with large followings on Twitter who other than that, often have no
> affiliation with the project whatsoever.
> On 6/15/20 12:53 AM, Vinícius Ferrão via bind-users wrote:
>         ISC had a statement about it a time ago: Caution-
> < Caution-
> >
>         You can now call primary and secondary zones. But the prevalence
> of terms are still master and slave. And I really hope this thing of
> changing nomenclatures doesn’t go any further due to political correctness.
>         For the newcomers it’s not OK to break years of terms, software
> and documentation just because some people can’t handle terms like master
> and slave. Slavery still exists today and making the word disappear will
> not solve the issue.
>         And you’re correct about the BDSM thing. It’s a waste of time,
> efforts and lines of code.
> --
> Met vriendelijke groet / Best regards,
> Michael De Roover
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