I believe SCL allows multiple versions of the same package ... will ISC be 
using SCL in this manner?

Verne Britton, Lead Systems Programmer    voice:   (304) 293-5192 x230
Systems Support Group                     (in WV, call 1-800-253-1558)
West Virginia Network for                 FAX:     (304) 293-5540
     Educational Telecomputing            ve...@wvnet.edu
837 Chestnut Ridge Road                   http://www.wvnet.edu
Morgantown, WV  26505

On 5/10/2019 4:30 AM, Michał Kępień wrote:
>> If the old XPG4 and POSIX rules are to be at least paid some attention
>> then the config data should be under /etc/opt/isc/named and the software
>> binaries and libs stay in /opt/isc/named with logs going to the correct
>> /var/opt/isc/named.
> This is a good point, thanks for raising it.  Software Collections allow
> this kind of approach, we just initially rejected it as it makes other
> things more complicated and one of our primary goals for these packages
> is simplicity.  We will run some further experiments to see whether this
> route is feasible.  One downside of moving to this approach is that it
> would be another breaking change, though obviously if this would result
> in a cleaner long-term solution, then now is the time to bite the
> bullet.
> I will report back to announce what we are going to do.  Thanks again
> for the feedback.
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