I have a question about how smooth round-trip-time (srtt) works. If I declare 5 separate DNS servers to forward queries to and one of them is much faster than the other one, naturally the bulk of all queries will go towards that host because of its low curve, correct?
However, what happens when that "fast" host timeouts during queries? Will bind adjust the srtt appropriately and begin sending it less requests by balancing them across the the slower dns servers? I am asking because I am seeing elevations of failures during times of high DNS load. One of the servers we forward to is Google, which is much faster than all of the other ones, but Google enforces a query limit of about 500 qps from what I can tell from testing. I have a feeling -- though I could certainly be wrong -- that we're breaching that limit and getting timeouts but it's taking a moment for Bind to adjust the srtt slow down the traffic to that DNS. And a followup question, is there a simple configuration change I can do to tell bind to ignore srtt values and simply round-robin across a list of DNS that I provide? Thank you in advance for your help. Cheers, Stephen Wood
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