Russell Jones <> wrote on 08/30/2012 10:28:07 AM:

> Oh I know, I use spamhaus myself for spam filtering - catches a 
> ridiculous amount of spam. It is my understanding though the OP wants to 

> filter domains for NSFW web browsing, not spam - specifically gambling 
> sites.

Spamhaus describes it this way:

"The DBL is managed as a "zero false-positive" list, safe to use by 
production mail systems to reject emails that are flagged by it. The DBL 
includes URIs (domains/hostnames) which are used in spam including 
phishing, fraud/'419' or domains sending or hosting malware/viruses. "

Sounds like what I would want in an RPZ, but may not include the gambling 
sites the OP was looking to block.

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