With great help I got Bind 9.8.1 to compile on solaris but I can not get
Bind to start up. I am getting:

17-Nov-2011 00:31:23.609 initializing DST: openssl failure
17-Nov-2011 00:31:23.609 exiting (due to fatal error)

Is anyone else seeing this?


Hal King  - h...@utk.edu
Systems Administrator
Office of Information Technology
Systems: Business Information Systems

The University of Tennessee
135D Kingston Pike Building
2309 Kingston Pk. Knoxville, TN 37996
Phone: 974-1599

On 11/16/11 9:08 PM, "King, Harold Clyde (Hal)" <h...@utk.edu> wrote:

>I compiled 9.8.1 on the same server with the same setup. So it is not in
>Hal King  - h...@utk.edu
>Systems Administrator
>Office of Information Technology
>Systems: Business Information Systems
>The University of Tennessee
>135D Kingston Pike Building
>2309 Kingston Pk. Knoxville, TN 37996
>Phone: 974-1599
>On 11/16/11 8:30 PM, "Evan Hunt" <e...@isc.org> wrote:
>>> I get an error compiling Bind at:
>>> make[4]: Entering directory
>>> ld -G -z text -o driver.so driver.o
>>> ld: invalid number `-z'
>>> Giving ?G a number makes ?z unrecognized.
>>> I'm in Solaris 10, Sparc, GCC 3.4.6
>>Thanks for the report.  We didn't touch that code in the security
>>patch, so this bug must have also been in 9.8.1; we'll try to address
>>it in 9.8.2.
>>That isn't critical code; it's just one of the system tests.
>>Just "touch bin/tests/system/dlzexternal/driver.o" and then
>>run "make" again.  The dlzexternal system test will fail
>>when you run "make check", but otherwise your server will
>>be fine.
>>In general, issues like this are best sent to the bind9-b...@isc.com
>>alias, which opens a ticket in our bug database.   I'll do so now.
>>Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
>>Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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