> I get an error compiling Bind at: > > make[4]: Entering directory > `/usr/local/src/bind-9.8.1-P1/bin/tests/system/dlzexternal' > ld -G -z text -o driver.so driver.o > ld: invalid number `-z' > > Giving ?G a number makes ?z unrecognized. > > I'm in Solaris 10, Sparc, GCC 3.4.6
Thanks for the report. We didn't touch that code in the security patch, so this bug must have also been in 9.8.1; we'll try to address it in 9.8.2. That isn't critical code; it's just one of the system tests. Just "touch bin/tests/system/dlzexternal/driver.o" and then run "make" again. The dlzexternal system test will fail when you run "make check", but otherwise your server will be fine. In general, issues like this are best sent to the bind9-b...@isc.com alias, which opens a ticket in our bug database. I'll do so now. -- Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. _______________________________________________ Please visit https://lists.isc.org/mailman/listinfo/bind-users to unsubscribe from this list bind-users mailing list bind-users@lists.isc.org https://lists.isc.org/mailman/listinfo/bind-users