On 11/09/11 15:59, trm asn wrote:
Is there any thing wrong if I declare my zone like this as below...

$TTL 300
@       IN      SOA ns4.example.com. postmaster.example.com. (
                                2011110806      ; Serial Number
                                10800           ; Refresh after 3 hours
                                3600            ; Retry after 1 hour
                                604800          ; Expire after 1 week
                                300 )         ; Minimum TTL of 1 day
; Name servers
        IN      NS ns4.example.com
        IN      NS ns2.example.com
        IN      NS ns1.example.com
test    IN    NS ns1973.hostgator.com
test    IN    NS ns1974.hostgator.com
        IN    A
        IN    MX mail.goole.com
www        IN    CNAME example.com
a        IN    A
b        IN    A

On 10.11.11 08:58, Lyle Giese wrote:
Where are your A records for your name servers, ns1.example.com, ns2,example.com and ns4.example.com?

And please answer the question above, what does the named's log say when starting up?

The original problem was already detected by Kevin Darcy, after "trm asn" sent the whole zone:

the zone file above defines "test.example.com" subdomain delegated to ns1973.hostgator.com and ns1974.hostgator.com, along with A and MX records.

However, you can not delegate domain and then add records to it. Even if the hostgator servers were the same example.com is running at, the "test.example.com" with its records must be defined in different zone file.

The only records in test.example.com that may be added within example.com zone are
- the delegation records (NS) for test.example.com
- the glue A/AAAA records, if they exist within test.example.com

(and they all SHOULD be again defined within test.example.com zone)

As Kevin explained, commenting out the "test NS" records means that A ans MX below it belong to the zone @ defined zabove, where "@" means example.com (or whatever lies in the zone definition in named config).

uncommenting them would bean that they both belong to the "test" subdomain which is invalid.

For the OP: next time, simply move those delegations below:

$TTL 300
@       IN      SOA ns4.example.com. postmaster.example.com. (
                                 2011110806      ; Serial Number
                                 10800           ; Refresh after 3 hours
                                 3600            ; Retry after 1 hour
                                 604800          ; Expire after 1 week
                                 300 )         ; Minimum TTL of 1 day
; Name servers
         IN      NS ns4.example.com
         IN      NS ns2.example.com
         IN      NS ns1.example.com
         IN    A
         IN    MX mail.goole.com
test    IN    NS ns1973.hostgator.com
test    IN    NS ns1974.hostgator.com
www        IN    CNAME example.com
a        IN    A
b        IN    A

And, also, put the whole zone content somewhere if you have problem - in the first post you have ignored the content that made the zone fail.

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