On 11/09/11 15:59, trm asn wrote:

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:15 PM, Matus UHLAR - fantomas
<uh...@fantomas.sk <mailto:uh...@fantomas.sk>> wrote:

    Now I have only one question:

    On 08.11.11 20:27, trm asn wrote:

        The moment I have done the "rndc reload example.com
        <http://example.com>", the domain and all
        subdomain were became not resolvable.

    what does the named's log say?


Is there any thing wrong if I declare my zone like this as below...

$TTL 300
@       IN      SOA ns4.example.com. postmaster.example.com. (
                                 2011110806      ; Serial Number
                                 10800           ; Refresh after 3 hours
                                 3600            ; Retry after 1 hour
                                 604800          ; Expire after 1 week
                                 300 )         ; Minimum TTL of 1 day
; Name servers
         IN      NS ns4.example.com
         IN      NS ns2.example.com
         IN      NS ns1.example.com
test    IN    NS ns1973.hostgator.com
test    IN    NS ns1974.hostgator.com
         IN    A
         IN    MX mail.goole.com
www        IN    CNAME example.com
a        IN    A
b        IN    A


Where are your A records for your name servers, ns1.example.com, ns2,example.com and ns4.example.com?

And please answer the question above, what does the named's log say when starting up?

Lyle Giese
LCR Computer Services, Inc.
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