Not neccessarily.

It really depends on many many things. How well does the OS kernel+NIC
driver scale, how good do they work in balancing among all CPUs+cores.

I do not know the inner workings of bind, but depending on the algorithmic
problems, distributed/parallel processing can even degrade performance,
sometimes the gain in distribution is not as good as expected due to
communication overhead etc. .

So the assumption that 8@1.6>>4@2.33 can not be safely made. Especially in
a single application scenario (A pure name server).

Maybe some bind developer can shed a light on this:
Does bind use epoll()?
AIO (as in Posix RT extensions)

As stated by others, use the same machine for all 3 scenarios (OS/Apps):



On Wed, June 29, 2011 15:33, wrote:
> on server1(64 bit) i have 2 Intel E5310 quad-core 1.6Ghz and on server2(32
> bit) i have 2 Intel Xeon dual-core 2.33Ghz.
> means 8*1.6 Ghz on server1 and 4*2.33 on server2.
> 8*1.6 is better and faster than 4*2.33, no?
> Regards
> Issam Harrathi.
>> The 64 bit server(server1) is faster than the 32 bit server (server2).
> Really? I thought you said the 64 bit server had a CPU with 1.6GHz cores,
> and the 32 bit server had 2.33GHz cores?
> Regards
> Eivind Olsen
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