In message <>, Tory
 M Blue writes:
> > So that was the trace between the client and the nameserver. =A0What
> > about the trace between the nameserver and the rest of the world?
> >
> > The log message is trigger by multiple queries from your nameserver
> > not being answered and named falling back simpler queries in a
> > attempt to get them answered. =A0The log message says how much simpler
> > it made the query before it succeeded. =A0It doesn't tell you the
> > cause because it doesn't know.
> >
> > Mark
> But Mark
> Here is where I lose it. the network between the ns server and the
> world is fine, as proven by the 100's, thousands of looks ups i have
> done with no issue, other than and
> The only possible scenario is they are doing some blocking, however
> that doesn't hold water either since both the functioning and non
> functioning name server go out to the world as the same IP. So if
> yahoo was doing any sort of rate limiting or other my other DNS server
> would exhibit the same issue.
> It's very obvious that while this working server can resolve any
> number of domains, yahoo and do not. I've shown that my
> client can access the name server, so the request is being made, but
> what the name server is doing with it is the question. I will attempt
> to grab the traffic from this server at the router, a few hops up and
> see if that helps. But again yahoo only? Just !=3Dnetwork issue in my
> eyes. But I'll test, just really frustrating and turning on query
> logging doesn't seem to provide much use, is there something else I
> can enable in bind to help trace what the server is doing with these
> queries?

I've seen plenty of wierd errors over the years.  Two machines 1 IP address
apart.  One worked one doesn't.  A reboot of a router in the middle of the
net was needed to fix that one.  Just look at the traffic and trace the fault.

> Thanks
> Tory
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