At 11:06 06/12/2009, Chris Buxton wrote:
On Dec 5, 2009, at 6:34 AM, JFC Morfin wrote:
> Chris Buxton <> 4 décembre 2009 20:29
>> The reason IDN support in the BIND query tools (dig, host, nslookup) is not the default is because it relies on a 3rd party library, which must be installed and configured by the package builder beforehand. This is just like SSL support, needed for DNSSEC and TSIG, except that most operating systems don't already ship with libidnkit.
> Do you know the hook? I am just starting investigating the code, and I have C only as a minor :-)

All I know is what you find in the BIND source code directory. For example, with BIND 9.7.0b2:

$ ./configure --help | grep idn
  --with-idn=MPREFIX      enable IDN support using idnkit default PREFIX
  --with-idnlib=ARG       specify libidnkit

$ less README.idnkit

Due to my lack of time and because at the same time I use BIND/Windows on my XP machine to test my own way to use the DNS in the IDNA suggested context; I selected 9.5.2.

I understand from quick digging that the IDN libs are of 2003. Since I mainly want to work on them, I feel this os OK. Except if they have been updated?

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