El mar, 15-09-2009 a las 13:45 +0200, Udo Zumdick escribió:
> Am Tue, 15 Sep 2009 12:28:24 +0200
> schrieb Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago <marcos.lore...@ayto-getafe.org>:
> [....]
> > After making changes to zone, updated serial, and rndc reload, I dig my
> > zone and get always the old serial. The serial and the changes only
> > appear when I '/etc/init.d/bind restart' it.
> > 
> > I use bind 9.5.1 on debian 5.0.3.
> > 
> > Any clue?
> Maybe there are some .jnl files (IXFR journalfiles) which could prevent 
> bind from updating the zone ?
> Removing them and disabling incremental zone transfer might help. I had
> such problems in the past.

There are no .jnl files, so I guess is turned off, but anyway, how can I
know If this is enabled? I don't have any allow-update option...

Thanks in advance.

> Udo
> ----
>          _|_|_|_|_|_|  Udo Zumdick
>  _    _    _  _|   _   Deutsche Telekom Netzproduktion GmbH
> |_|  |_|  |_| _|  |_|  Hammer Str. 216 - 226; 48153 Muenster
>               _|       mailto:u...@nic.dtag.de
>               _|       phone: +49 251 7985311; fax: +49 251 7985109
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