El mar, 15-09-2009 a las 17:27 -0400, Robert Spangler escribió:
> On Tuesday 15 September 2009 08:16, Frank Stanek wrote:
> >  Please forgive my naivety if this is totally wrong but
> >  I don't have a chrooted bind environment to verify this atm.
> I run a chroot environment
> >  But doesn't the init script in some distributions copy the
> >  configuration files (including zone files) into the chroot
> >  joil because bind cannot access them in /etc from there?
> Not that I am aware of.  If you know of a distro that does this let us know.  
> A chroot'ed bind has no knowledge of anything outside of it's chroot 
> environment so the files have to exist there.
I just link the chrooted file named.conf to /etc/bind/named.conf, so the
file in /etc is actually a link to the file within then chrooted

> >  That could explain why it works when you use the init script
> >  to restart bind but it doesn't when you do rndc reload -
> >  the modified files don't get copied into the jail with
> >  rndc reload.
> And they do not with the init script either.  The init script is shutting 
> down 
> bind and then reloading it again which forces a fresh read of all the files, 
> as rndc is just telling bind to re-read the zone.

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