On Jun 29, 2009, at 5:08 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <76610622-42ba-4ed3-b945-14f6c6796...@newgeo.com>, Scott
Haneda writ
I have been using the below command to determine if a domain is
registered. I use this for an internal audit of what clients have
come and gone, and what DNS records I need to clean up.
dig example.com NS +trace -4 @ | grep -i ns1.example.com
I run it also with ns2.example.com in the grep to make certain my
primary and secondary are listed.
My current trouble is that I am getting intermittent failures if the
domain is not a tld of .com, .net, .org.
$dig customtruckgraphics.us NS +trace -4 @ +short
NS F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS J.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
NS H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. from server in 19 ms.
dig: couldn't get address for 'J.GTLD.BIZ': not found
J.GTLD.BIZ only has a IPv6 addresses.
Can someone explain to me what is happening here, and also, provide a
suggestion on how to best test for the conditions I am after?
You need to run a version of dig with this bug fix or just re-try.
2517. [bug] dig +trace with -4 or -6 failed when it
chose a
nameserver address of the excluded address.
[RT #18843]
Which should read.
2517. [bug] dig +trace with -4 or -6 failed when it
chose a
nameserver address of the excluded address
[RT #18843]
Alternatively do "dig ns parent.zone", then
"dig +norec ns child.zone @parent-server".
Hi Mark, thanks for the reply. I do not understand your last
suggestion. If the domain in question is customtruckgraphics.us, can
you show me an example of how to do this?
As to the versions, I would not be onjectionable to updating, how do I
tell which version of dig is on the machine, as well as where to find
the version that addresses the two bugs listed above? I can not
rebuild named entirely, as it was enough trouble getting DLZ working
on RHEL. I would just need to fish out dig, and build that separate.
Thank you.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *
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