In message <>, Martin McCormick w
>       The present package for bind under ubuntu Linux is
> bind9.5. This is great and I am not complaining at all but all
> the rest of our bind servers are FreeBSD and using 9.3.5, soon
> to be 9.3.6. I read that it is best for them all to be the same
> version of bind. 

        Having different versions really doesn't matter.  You have
        minimum versions for DNSSEC (9.3) and DNSSEC w/ NSEC3 (9.6)
        but if you are not using DNSSEC there are no problems with
        have a BIND 4.8 being a slave to a BIND 9.7.0a1 master or
        vica versa provided your zone content has no errors.  You
        don't want to run BIND 4.8 for other reasons but interop
        is not one of them.

> I have been asked to set up a slave DNS on a
> ubuntu system which happens to be in the correct subnet so this
> is a good idea, but I want it to be as functionally close as
> possible to the rest of our DNS's. Eventually, they will all be
> upgraded to bind9.5, but
> for now, this one needs to be like the rest rather than
> introducing new unknowns in to the system.
>       Should I be able to find a Debian package of bind9.3.6?
> Basically, is there a recommended way to accomplish this without
> too much extra work?
> The configuration for bind9.3.5 has several
> parameters in it that bind9.5 essentially did not understand:
> /etc/bind/named.conf.local:8: unknown option 'allow-query'
> /etc/bind/named.conf.local:29: unknown option 'auth-nxdomain'
> /etc/bind/named.conf.local:30: unknown option 'cleaning-interval'
> /etc/bind/named.conf.local:31: unknown option 'max-journal-size'
> /etc/bind/named.conf.local:32: unknown option 'sortlist'
> /etc/bind/named.conf.local:38: unknown option 'allow-transfer'
> /etc/bind/named.conf.local:42: unknown option 'check-names'
> /etc/bind/named.conf.local:43: unknown option 'check-names'

        BIND 9.5 knows about all of these.  I suspect you had them
        in the wrong place in named.conf.
> Martin McCormick WB5AGZ  Stillwater, OK 
> Systems Engineer
> OSU Information Technology Department Telecommunications Services Group
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