The default build is 32 bits.  To perform a 64 bit build
        add the appropriate compiler specific flags to CFLAGS and
        ensure that all the relevent libraries are available in 64
        bit form.

                ./configure CFLAGS="-m64 -g -02"


In message <>, Raymo
nd Popowich writes:
> --===============3836914280880481866==
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001517511b24d1e1a3046bdb56f3
> --001517511b24d1e1a3046bdb56f3
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Hello,
> I am running several Bind 9.6.0-P1 DNS resolvers on Solaris 10.  The largest
> does around 2500 queries/second at peak times.  They are configured with
> --enable-largefile support.  About once a month I am having a problem with
> the largest resolvers breaking when the named process hits 2GB.  I've logged
> a few different errors including file descriptor limits which I increased
> when that happened, to increasing the option for max-cache-size, to my
> current errors such as ns_client_replace() failed: out of memory.  The
> servers have 8GB of physical memory.  I am OK with telling bind to use an
> unlimited amount of resources or specifying a double in the current maximum
> up to 4GB.  Would it be possible for someone to provide a full list of all
> of the named.conf options that I need to specify in named.conf and increase
> from the default settings?  I've been fixing these errors one at a time for
> a while now and I really can't afford to keep troubleshooting this problem
> by waiting for new errors to happen.
> Thank you for your time,
> -Raymond
> --001517511b24d1e1a3046bdb56f3
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> Hello,<br><br>I am running several Bind 9.6.0-P1 DNS resolvers on Solaris 1=
> 0.=A0 The largest does around 2500 queries/second at peak times.=A0 They ar=
> e configured with --enable-largefile support.=A0 About once a month I am ha=
> ving a problem with the largest resolvers breaking when the named process h=
> its 2GB.=A0 I&#39;ve logged a few different errors including file descripto=
> r limits which I increased when that happened, to increasing the option for=
>  max-cache-size, to my current errors such as ns_client_replace() failed: o=
> ut of memory.=A0 The servers have 8GB of physical memory.=A0 I am OK with t=
> elling bind to use an unlimited amount of resources or specifying a double =
> in the current maximum up to 4GB.=A0 Would it be possible for someone to pr=
> ovide a full list of all of the named.conf options that I need to specify i=
> n named.conf and increase from the default settings?=A0 I&#39;ve been fixin=
> g these errors one at a time for a while now and I really can&#39;t afford =
> to keep troubleshooting this problem by waiting for new errors to happen.<b=
> r>
> <br>Thank you for your time,<br><br>-Raymond<br><br>
> --001517511b24d1e1a3046bdb56f3--
> --===============3836914280880481866==
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Content-Disposition: inline
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> bind-users mailing list
> --===============3836914280880481866==--
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