|From: bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org
|[mailto:bind-users-boun...@lists.isc.org] On Behalf Of Raymond Popowich
|Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 3:35 PM
|To: bind-users@lists.isc.org
|Subject: 2GB Memory Limits on Solaris 10
|I am running several Bind 9.6.0-P1 DNS resolvers on Solaris 10.  The largest
|does around 2500 queries/second at peak times.  They are configured with
|--enable-largefile support.  About once a month I am having a problem with
|the largest resolvers breaking when the named process hits 2GB.  I've logged
|a few different errors including file descriptor limits which I increased
|when that happened, to increasing the option for max-cache-size, to my
|current errors such as ns_client_replace() failed: out of memory.  The
|servers have 8GB of physical memory.  I am OK with telling bind to use an
|unlimited amount of resources or specifying a double in the current maximum
|up to 4GB.  Would it be possible for someone to provide a full list of all
|of the named.conf options that I need to specify in named.conf and increase
|from the default settings?  I've been fixing these errors one at a time for
|a while now and I really can't afford to keep troubleshooting this problem
|by waiting for new errors to happen.
|Thank you for your time,
First of all check what kernel is booting on your system. It should be 64 
bit version (that is printed at boot process of Solaris 10). It means that 
the 32-bit system should support PAE mode.
In the GRUB kernel path looks like:

kernel /platform/i86pc/multiboot
module /platform/i86pc/boot_archive

Also you can check with prtconf | grep Mem 
to see how much of RAM is available in the system.

! CANMOS ISP Network                        !
! Best regards                              !
! Igor V. Ruzanov, network operational staff!
! e-Mail: ig...@canmos.ru                   !
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