If your domain was registered by your hosting provider, then they own the domain. You need to gain control of the ns records for the domain. This is usually accomplished by requesting a registrar transfer for your domain into an account that you control. Unfortunately the administrative contact for your domain needs to allow the transfer and you have no guarantee that they will do that, or even that they will pay attention to the email they receive requesting the transfer. If you only have nine days left to get this transfer done, that doesn't leave you a lot of time. Your best bet may be to contact the individual listed as the administrative contact on the domain's whois record and ask him/her (nicely) to change the ns records for your domain to point to zoneedit.
>>> Michelle Konzack <linux4miche...@tamay-dogan.net> 4/7/2009 3:36 PM >>> Am 2009-04-06 16:38:17, schrieb Dustin Lovell: > Michelle, > > Do you own the domain? Yes, of course, > If so, the authoritative ns change will need to happen at the > registrar level (Network Solutions, Tucows, etc.). The problem is, that it was registered by my Hosting Provider and not by my self. I mean, I do not know WHO to contact... I know only: Cronon AG Berlin Niederlassung Regensburg > You just need to > ensure that zoneedit works the way you expect it to before you make > the change. Hmmm, my own DNS is working, but HOW can I test a foreign DNS stup? OK, my 8 servers are already installed (on dynamic IP's for now) since Level 3, T-Systems and Oleane need at least 6 month to install the real Backbones (in the meantime we install the WaveLAN) and tomorrow I will try to transfer <can4linux.org> since it is only "parked" and not very important (if it fails)... If the setup is working, I will try the others. > Once the change is made, a whois query against one of the > root nameservers will tell you whether the change worked or not (I > believe propagation to the root nameservers from most registrars is ~ > 5 minutes). 48 hours later, feel free to turn off your old system or > just let them shut you down at the end of your contract. Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening Michelle Konzack Systemadministrator 24V Electronic Engineer Tamay Dogan Network Debian GNU/Linux Consultant -- Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ ##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant ##################### <http://www.tamay-dogan.net/> Michelle Konzack <http://www.can4linux.org/> Apt. 917 <http://www.flexray4linux.org/> 50, rue de Soultz Jabber linux4miche...@jabber.ccc.de 67100 Strasbourg/France IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com) Tel. DE: +49 177 9351947 ICQ #328449886 Tel. FR: +33 6 61925193
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