Am 2009-04-06 16:38:17, schrieb Dustin Lovell:
> Michelle,
> Do you own the domain?

Yes, of course,

> If so, the authoritative ns change will need to happen at the
> registrar level (Network Solutions, Tucows, etc.).

The problem is, that it was registered by my Hosting Provider and not by
my self.  I mean, I do not know WHO to contact...

I know only:  Cronon AG Berlin
              Niederlassung Regensburg

> You just need to
> ensure that zoneedit works the way you expect it to before you make
> the change.

Hmmm, my own DNS is working, but HOW can I test a foreign DNS stup?

OK, my 8 servers are already installed (on dynamic IP's for  now)  since
Level 3, T-Systems and Oleane need at least 6 month to install the  real
Backbones (in the meantime we install the WaveLAN) and tomorrow  I  will
try to transfer <> since it is only "parked" and  not  very
important (if it fails)...

If the setup is working, I will try the others.

> Once the change is made, a whois query against one of the
> root nameservers will tell you whether the change worked or not (I
> believe propagation to the root nameservers from most registrars is ~
> 5 minutes). 48 hours later, feel free to turn off your old system or
> just let them shut you down at the end of your contract.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
<>                 Michelle Konzack
<>                   Apt. 917
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