It's not exactly 'proper' practice, but I have successfully turned down the
caching time to 300 seconds. Do this a week ahead of your planned server

After you know everything is resolving correctly, obviously reset your TTLs
to the accepted settings.

Be aware this 'will' create traffic, but if your network can handle it, it's
not an issue.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jeff Lightner
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 8:50 AM
To: Thomas Manson;
Subject: RE: Change my primary DNS server safely...

Not sure where the trepidation comes in here.  Hopefully you ARE running
a slave server as well so if the primary isn't reachable the slave would
resolve lookups until you fixed any problem.

Here we've moved our servers from one network provider to another so had
to change the IPs of the master and the slave at the Network registrars.
We did those one at a time.  That is to say we first did the slave and
once we were sure it was resolving correctly and had allowed time for
everyone's caches to clear (we waited 3 days/72 hours) then we moved the

We've also completely replaced both our primary and slave by installing
new servers and setting them with the IPs.  There again we did it by
doing one at a time.  For those there was no propagation time since the
IP stayed the same.

If you're simply moving your master to a new IP (as the outside world
sees it) then you'll have to allow time for the caches to clear as we
did.  If you're simply moving it to a new IP internally then your
network folks should be able to NAT that IP to the same external IP your
prior server had.  

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Thomas Manson
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 8:04 PM
Subject: Change my primary DNS server safely...


  I need to change the primary DNS server which manage hundreds of

  I've setup the new machine so that it has the correct named
configuration for each domains (script generated).

  I plan to change the IP behind the so that it
points to the new machine.

  As I feel it's a bit risky to do that, if you have any suggestion,
I'll be glad to hear it.

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