
I am using WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS to merge information  from a database (WP
secondary file) with a WP form file (WP Primary file), then print it from
WP5.1 using a PostScript printer driver to a PostScript File. After exiting
DOSEMU I run ps2pdf to convert the previous output to a PDF file, and
deliver the result back to the browser.

I am using Fedora Core 4, Apache 2.0.54, Perl 3.5.8.

The operation was taking a long time to merge and print a very simple
document so I did some timings. By way of comparison on the same hardware:

Windows 2000     0.7 seconds
Linux/DOSEMU            6.8 seconds
Linux/Perl/DOSEMU    125 seconds

Although the program runs considerably faster under Windows, my main concern here in this forum is the 20 times longer it takes to run it from Perl.

The Perl script I am using to run the program is:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $home = "/home/www/web1" ;
my $doshome = "/home/www/web1/dosemu/freedos" ;
$cmd = "dosemu.bin -D-a -I 'keystroke \"\\rwpw.bat test\\rexitemu\\r\"' >errors-dpweb.log 2>&1;" ;
$ENV{'TERM'} = "xterm";
$ENV{'HOME'} = $home ;
$ENV{'DOSDRIVE_D'} = $doshome ;
#print "Content-type:text/html\n\n";
system ("$cmd") ;

print "Content-type:application/pdf\n\n";
my $epsfile = $doshome."/output/test.eps" ;
my $pdffile = $doshome."/output/test.pdf" ;
system ("ps2pdf $epsfile $pdffile")  ;
open(TXT, "<".$pdffile) ;
my @text = <TXT> ;
close(TXT) ;
print @text ;

Many thanks

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  • weird script! Adriano Allora
    • Slow Performance using Perl script and DOSEMU Brian Hancock

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