hi to all,
I want to write a very stupid script. It shuold:
- upload a file from client (works)
- extratc ascii from html (works)
- show the sentence number X (works for nr.0)
- create a button "following sentence" (does not work!)
- redirect to the same page and re-upload the same file to show the
sentence nr. X+1
HERE the first problem:
the button (note line 1,2,3):
print $number,$br;
print $number,$br;
print $pagina->start_multipart_form(-method=>"POST",-action=>$here);
print $pagina->hidden(-name=>"locale",-value=>"$locale");
print $pagina->hidden(-name=>"remoto",-value=>"$remoto");
print $pagina->hidden(-name=>"number",-value=>$number);
print $pagina->submit("following sentence");
print $pagina->endform();
the html output:
<form method="post"
<input type="hidden" name="locale" value="94_05.html" />
<input type="hidden" name="remoto" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="number" value="1" />
<input type="submit" name="following sentence" value="following
sentence" /><div></div></form>
the second problem:
why the script doesn't upload the "locale" input?:
{$locale = $pagina->upload("locale");}
How can I do it without creating temporary files?
Thank a lot,
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