----- Original Message ----- From: "Siegfried Heintze" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <beginners-cgi@perl.org>
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 7:01 PM
Subject: Recomdations for Template Plugins for Windows/CGI/ApacheHTTP

Does anyone use Template::Plugin on windows/cgi/ApacheHTTP?

Template::Plugin::GD::Text looks very intriguing and I'm wondering if I
should go thru the trouble to try to install it on windows. I assume I need
to understand Template::Plugin first.

Actually, you don't, really.

Whether or not it is useful or not will of course depend on your needs. If you are using GD for drawing graphics, I suppose it would be useful. Otherwise, it probably isn't.

Are these plugins using the Template Toolkit described under the Template

Yes. See: http://www.devshed.com/c/a/Perl/Getting-Started-with-the-Perl-Template-Toolkit/2/ and http://search.cpan.org/~abw/Template-Toolkit-2.14/ and http://search.cpan.org/~abw/Template-Toolkit-2.14/lib/Template/Manual.pod

On the one hand, I'd love to separate my HTML from my executable code
(assume templates will do that?) Are there other reasons to use Templates?

Yep, but it depends on your philosophy and specific uses. You can build templates that can be put together in a modular way (such as a header or footer template that gets included into all other templates). There are a number of other advantages, I suppose. Many are covered in the article above and examples are in the manual.

So are there any windows perl programmers that have installed it and used
Templates and plugins?

Don't know Windows, but why not try it? Is it really hard to install things using ActiveState? (I haven't used it to know.)

What exactly is the language between the [% and -%]
that I see exemplified in the Template::Plugin::GD::Text documentation? It
does not look like perl. Is it worth the effort to install and learn it? Do
you use it? It looks like they invented vendor neutral ASP for perl/Apache.

Most template systems use a scripting language (mini-language). This is the Template Toolkit variety. Again, when in doubt, check the documentation. http://search.cpan.org is your friend.

On the other hand, the amount of red at
http://ppm.activestate.com/BuildStatus/5.8.html is really discouraging.
I've had terrible luck trying to download and compile new modules my self
with ActiveState. So that is why I'm wondering if other perl programmers on
windows are using these modules successfully.

My advice is to do some googling and then give it a try.


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