Is anybody (perhaps book authors) promoting a "best practices" for perl CGI

I've been doing the 
use warning;
use strict;
use CGI;  # this is from memory, but you get the idea.
my $q = CGI->new;
my $html = "";
eval {
     $html .=  " <p> $data </p>";
     $html .= "<div> more stuff $data2 </div>";
    $broke || die "something broken";
if($@){ print $q->header(), "Error: $@"; }
else{ print $q->header(), $html; }

Should I be using the exception class? 
Should I be using Carp::Croak? What will it buy me? 
How can I get stack traces? 
With ActiveState Perl 5.8+ I never get anything for $@ with my large
programs consisting of 8K lines of perl. I just get the Apache HTTPD error
message that there is an server internal error. It seems to work much better
when I single step thru trivial examples (like the above) in the debugger.
I'm wondering if my problem is that I'm not using the exception class.


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