
i just wrote a very small perl-file, which opens a file, reads the content, 
adds a 1 and closes it. It's a
veeeeeeeeeery simple hitcounter. (counter.pl, code see below)

I would like now to print this in an existing html-sheet, say, when opening 
index.html, this program should be
executed and the content of my counter-file (counter.cnt) should be printed in 
a visitors browser. Index.html is
already existing.

Can you please help me?

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

my $counter=0;
my $reader=0;

if (! open (DH, "counter.cnt")){
        print "Counter-Datei nicht vorhanden...Lege neue mit Wert null an\n";
        open (DH, "> counter.cnt");
                print (DH "$counter");

open (DH, "< counter.cnt") or die "Fehler! $!\n";
        unless (defined){
close DH;


# Debugging, folgende Zeile für Tests auskommentieren. Gibt eingelesenen, 
erhöhten Zählerstand zurück.
#print "$reader"

open (DH, "> counter.cnt") or die "Fehler! $!\n";
        print (DH "$reader");
close DH;

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