I've gone through serveral posting regarding sorting hashes, but can't seem to get it to sort correctly. I need it to sort on the key value and not the key
it reads from a file like this:
1::sometext_here 2::sometext_here2 3::sometext_here3
And reads the data like this: ############################################## my $lang = {}; open(LANG,"<$langaugefile") or die ("Can't open $langaugefile $!"); while (<LANG>) { chomp $_; next if $_ =~ /^\s*#/; next unless $_ =~ /\S/; my($name,$value) = split /::/, $_; $lang->{$name} = $value; } close(LANG); return $lang; ############################################### # then takes the return $lang hash for sorting
foreach $key (sort { $a->{$key} cmp $b->{$key} } keys(%{$lang})) { # do stuff }
and it keeps sorting just on the "key" (1,2,3..etc), but can get it to sort on the key value. This needs to be a sort on the alpha, and not numeric value. What I'm I doing wrong ??
TIA, -- Mike(mickalo)Blezien =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Thunder Rain Internet Publishing Providing Internet Solutions that work! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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