On Fri, 11 Feb 2005, Siegfried Heintze wrote:
I notice there are a lot of frameworks out there for .NET (eg, .NETNUK), PHP, and Java (eg AppFuse) programmers. These are sets of files that form a typical starter site (or skeleton) that have the basic common features for a web site: (1) cookie/password authentication authorization, send email for forgotten password, (2) file upload, (3) calendar etc...
Are there any such frameworks for perl cgi? I googled for perl cgi framework but could not find any matches.
Does Bricolage count? Or Slashcode?
I would count them. There is also TypePad/Moveable Type by Six Apart.
Perl mainly offers sets of tools for plugging such things together, using components like CGI.pm &/or template libraries (Template Toolkit, Mason, HTML::Template, etc) to build sites.
We don't, however, really have any prominent web application frameworks to compare with, say, Zope (Python's main offering) or the many suites that are now available with PHP.
I'd be delighted to be corrected about this, but it seems like most of the people that are working on such frameworks are using other languages these days.
I have one in development and have been intending to release it under a GPL like license but haven't gotten quite that far. Of course it has no documentation or testing, why would it need it there are no bugs ;-).
I agree with the other posters about MayPole, and WebGUI.
I will also throw out InterChange since I just started working for a company that uses it, but it appears to have a very steep learning curve and probably isn't as elegant as the others. It is really geared towards e-commerce.
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