The perl script at the bottom was effective in sending email from a Perl CGI
script on Win2K/IIS5. This script does not work anymore because CDONTS is
not supported on our new server running Win2003 Server/IIS6. This VB/ASP
script works on our new server, however:

  Set objCDOMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
  objCDOMail.Sender = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  objCDOMail.Subject = "subject goes here"
  objCDOMail.TextBody = "hello"
  Set objCDOMail = Nothing

So I used CDO.Message instead of CDONTS.NewMail in my perl CGI below but
that did not solve the problem. I get no error messages and no email!


        $cdonts = CreateObject OLE "CDONTS.NewMail";
#       $cdonts = CreateObject OLE "CDO.Message";
        $cdonts->{'From'}       = $sFrom;
        $cdonts->{'To'}         = $sTo;
        $cdonts->{'Subject'}    = "CONVEX Case Evaluation Assignment";
        $cdonts->{'BodyFormat'} = &cdonts_constants::CdoBodyFormatHTML;
        $cdonts->{'MailFormat'} = &cdonts_constants::CdoMailFormatMime;
        $cdonts->{'Body'}       = $sBody;
        undef $cdonts;

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